Daniel Irrgang is Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow/postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Arts and Cultural Studies (IKK) and associated researcher at Weizenbaum Institute/Design Research Lab, Berlin. At the Centre Art as Forum at IKK his current research focusses on the concept of ‘thought exhibition’ (Bruno Latour). He holds a PhD in media studies on diagrammatics and expanded/embodied mind theories and is author and editor of numerous books on the history and theory of media, culture, and the arts.Dr. phil. des. Daniel Irrgang is research associate at the “Inequality and Digital Sovereignty” research group at Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. His research focusses on visual depictions of information from a media theory / cognitive studies perspective (“diagrammatics”), interface as well as general HCI paradigms and media archaeological studies, among other fields. Currently he is working on a critique of transhumanist and Californian Ideology narratives. Since January 2018, Daniel is coordinator of the research seminar “Critical Zones” with Bruno Latour at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design.
Photo credit: Tabea Mathern