The Design Research Lab is a network of people, organisations, and non-human agents engaged at the intersection of technologies, materials, and social practices. Our aim is to design socially and ecologically sustainable tools, spaces, and knowledge that support people’s participation in a digital society – based on common principles of inclusiveness and respect for the planet. This puts the basic democratic right to take part in the digital sphere into practice. We start our research from individual lifeworlds and the needs of minoritized groups, beyond consumer majorities.
We are an interdisciplinary team of designers, researchers, tech-enthusiasts and critical thinkers from Berlin University of the Arts, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, as well as Einsteincenter Digital Future (ECDF).
Andreas is a research associate & lecturer at the Design Research Lab/Berlin University of the Arts, where he explores the relationship of design, technology and the political. Prior to that, he studied at KISD/Cologne and Parsons/NYC and worked as a graphic, interaction and service designer.
He has been teaching design methods and theory in Berlin, Cologne, Dessau and Jerusalem. His work has been published and exhibited throughout Europe, the US, Israel and China. He is co-editor of »Design as Research: Positions, Arguments, Perspectives«, published by Birkhäuser in 2016.
Andreas co-founded the transdisciplinary research group Civic Infrastructures, and is currently leading the Berlin efforts contributing to the EU research project MAZI (CAPS/H2020).
recent activities
Keynote Lecture at the 2nd CAPS Community Workshop. Volos, Greece
Talk at ECDF Einstein Center Digital Future, Berlin: “Digital Sovereignty”
Workshop talk at »Zukunftsforum Innovative Gemeinschaften im digitalen Zeitalter«
Talk »Digital Commons, Urban Struggles and the Right to the City?«, Re:Publica 2017
Paper & Conference talk at EAD Design for Next (Society) 2017, Rome
Co-chair of the pictorial track for ACM DIS2017
Exhibition of Polylogue II, Greek Pavilion, 15th International Architecture Exhibition/Biennale di Venezia